Trezor @Login - The official wallet

Trezor @Login - The official wallet - Gitbook. Last modified 23d ago. The official wallet - GitBook. An update for Trezor Suite (version 22.9.3) is now ready to install. To download and apply the

The Trezor login process involves several steps to ensure secure access to your cryptocurrency assets. Here's a detailed overview:

Trezor Connect

  1. Implementation: Trezor Connect is a platform for easy integration of "Login with Trezor" into websites and applications. It allows users to log in without the need for a password, making it immune to keyloggers or phishing.

  2. Functionality: Once implemented, a small file containing a declaration of methods is downloaded. This file establishes a connection to the external webpage, and the Trezor Connect library is injected as an invisible iframe into the application.

  3. Security: Trezor Connect is open-source, ensuring that it does not save any information about the device or account. It also has whitelisted domains set to * and localhost, which ignore messages coming from other domains, ensuring that no data is provided without the user's consent.

Trezor Bridge

  1. Functionality: The Trezor Bridge is an application that facilitates communication between the Trezor device and supported browsers. It runs in the background and requires no direct interaction.

  2. Installation: Users can upgrade to the latest version of Trezor Bridge directly from the Trezor website or check the GitHub repository.

  3. Security: The Trezor Bridge ensures that all transactions are confirmed physically on the device, making it difficult for unauthorized access.

Trezor Suite

  1. Functionality: Trezor Suite is an easy-to-use interface for your Trezor. It allows users to control their funds, manage their balance, and initiate transfers.

  2. Setup: Users can set up their Trezor device in Trezor Suite by following the instructions for their operating system.

  3. Security: Trezor Suite ensures that every transaction requires explicit confirmation directly on the Trezor hardware wallet, providing an additional layer of security.


  1. PIN and Passphrase: Users need to authenticate their Trezor device using a PIN and/or Passphrase. This ensures that only authorized users can access the device.

  2. Session Persistence: With the newest Trezor Connect API, the iframe element ensures that the communication after authentication persists until the session is closed. This means that users do not need to re-enter their PIN and/or Passphrase, and the device sends events to the application when it is connected, disconnected, or used in another window.

Additional Resources:

  • Official Website: Users can find more information and download the Trezor Bridge and Trezor Suite from the official Trezor website.

  • GitHub Repository: The Trezor Bridge and Trezor Suite source code are available on GitHub for developers to contribute and learn from.

  • Community Forum: Trezor has a community forum for general questions, feature requests, and developer questions.

Last updated